Session 2024-2025

As I take over as the Head Girl of Loreto Day School, Dharamtala, I take a trip down memory lane. Every hardship, every challenge, and all the sleepless nights resurface, reminding me of the resilience and determination it took to reach this point. The struggles were many, but each step was a lesson, each setback a push to strive harder. Now, standing here, I realize that the joy and peace I feel are proof that the effort was worth it.Quoting Mr. John Maxwell, "The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, and the leader adjusts the sail." I intend to be the kind of leader students will voluntarily follow, even without a title or position.

In Loreto Day School Dharamtala, we are taught not to be afraid to make mistakes; it is not about how many times we fail, but how many times we stand up after failing and keep going. Together, as a Loreto family, we can achieve every milestone we have dreamt of. Our foundation is built on the pillars of hope, charity, peace, and joy, guiding us to support one another and to extend our hands to those in need, fostering a community of compassion and strength.

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to our Principal and teachers for their unwavering faith in my capabilities. Their guidance has been instrumental in my journey. I am also deeply thankful to my mother and older sister for their constant support and encouragement.

As we look forward to the year 2024-2025, let us continue to embody the spirit of Loreto, striving for excellence, embracing hope, practising charity, and finding peace and joy in all that we do. Together, we can overcome any challenge and create a future filled with promise and success.

Mahee Gupta
Head Girl
Session 2023-2024

"A leader is not a person who leads alone, but one who leads along with the team"

I would like to thank my Principal, Sister Mercia, my teachers and all my friends for believing in me and giving me a chance to lead the Student Council. I promise to fulfill responsibilities to the best of my ability and constantly rise to meet the expectations vested in me. Nothing is possible without team work and I believe that the Student Council will work consistently as a team to help our school grow.

We are human and there might be times when we make mistakes but we are willing to learn, to take corrections in the right spirit and ensure that we do not repeat the mistake. We as a team, will strive towards excellence so that our school banner will fly high in all fields be it academics, or co curricular activities. We all will try and make this year one that is filled with beautiful memories that will be cherished forever.

Khushi kapoor
Head Girl
Session 2022-2023

"A boss has the title. A leader has the people" Hence I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our Principal, teachers and fellow students for believing in me and electing me as the Headgirl.

Loreto Day School Dharamtala not only believes in academic excellence but also in the all round development of each child by inculcating the Loreto values of justice, peace, integrity, freedom and love. Thus after spending twelve years in this institution I have learnt to believe in my capabilities and to stand strong against all odds. Quoting Mr. John Wooden, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far you need a team". Hence I promise to co-operate with my fellow schoolmates by inspiring and motivating each one of them to work hard for the betterment of this institution and to always keep the Loreto banner flying high.

In order to translate our Foundress, Mary Ward's vision into reality, we must work earnestly with absolute dedication and I am sure, our Loreto community will scale even greater heights.

Mahirah Salahuddin
Head Girl
Session 2019-2020

To begin with, I would like to express my gratitude to our Principal and teachers for their faith in my capabilities and to my fellow schoolmates for electing me as the 'Head girl.'

Quoting Mr. William Arthur Wood - ''Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation.'' Loreto Day School Dharamtala has nurtured and empowered every girl child in the spirit of justice and integrity. For the twelve years that I have been in this institution, it has taught me to believe in myself and stand strong. Loreto Dharamtala ensures academic excellence for all students and aims to give its students sound moral education. With the Head girl's badge, it is my responsibility and vision to inspire and encourage my fellow schoolmates to abide by the Loreto ideals and keep the Loreto banner flying high.

We in Loreto Dharamtala believe that unity is strength and where there is unity there is always victory. I hope we continue working as a team and be successful in achieving the vision of our foundress Mary Ward,

''Women in time to come will do much.''

Sneha Thosani
Head Girl
Session 2018-2019

I would like to express my heartfelf gratitude to my School for believing in my capabilities and to all my fellow students for electing me as the 'Head Girl'.

Quoting Mr. Peter Drucker "Rank does not confer priviledge or power. It imposes responsibility." Loreto Day School Dharamtala, aims at nurturing the girl child and making her capable of facing the outside world. With the Head Girl's badge, the responsibility of setting an example and keeping the Loreto Banner flying high has come my way. For those last 12 years, I have been in this institution, it has taught me to imagine and dream big. I now aim to inspire and influence all my fellow students to work hard for the institution. The best example you can give is of yourself. I am to be an example to all the students so that we may be successful in achieving the vision of Mary Ward, "Women in time to come will do much."

We in Loreto Dharamtala believe that, 'United We Stand and Divided We Fall'.I hope that this year we will be able to work as a team and achieve glory for the Loreto Community.

Nitya Lakhotia
Head Girl
Session 2017-2018

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to our Principal and our Teachers for their guidance and faith in my capabilities. I would also like to acknowledge the trust with which my fellow schoolmates elected me as the Head Girl and thank them wholeheartedly.

Quoting Mr. John Wooden - 'The most powerful Leadership tool you have is your own personal example.' Loreto has nurtured and moulded me for twelve years and it has been the wind beneath my wings. Loreto has not only ensured my excellence in academics but has also inculcated in me humanitarian values. Our school is an impeccable platform for a girl to unfold and display her talents and abilities. My duty and vision is to set an example and motivate my fellow schoolmates to work sincerely, not only to keep the Loreto banner flying high but also for the betterment of the world.

Our foundress, Mary ward's vision can only come true if, all associated with Loreto, work earnestly to make it a reality as we are only strong when we are united but weak when we are divided.

Charvi Dhruve
Head Girl